Have you seen the latest edition of the Ewelme News?

While you're having a read, make sure you don't miss page 21 about the shop.
Back in 2007 (if memory serves me correctly), a survey of the village showed that having a village shop was the number one priority for residents/homeowners.
Over the years, the shop has become a integral part of village life and really shone when the pandemic hit, continuing to provide a much needed supply of goods to local residents at a very challenging time.
Sadly, support for the shop has started to ebb away since we've all returned to some kind of "normal", so we're keen to understand if the strength of feeling back in 2007 is still there.
Do you value having a shop in Ewelme?
Do you use it?
Perhaps you're looking to sell/rent your house and the shop is a real plus point.
Are you a shareholder (see our previous post for how to buy a share if you aren't)?
Are there any items/services the shop could offer which would increase your support?
We would REALLY value your input so that we can continue to offer the best possible service to the local community and visitors.
You can comment on here, email the shop (manager@ewelmevillagestore.co.uk) or just have a chat next time you're in the shop.
Oh, and if you haven't got your Ewelme News yet, guess where you can find additional copies? (Yes, you guessed it, in the shop!).
Pop in and see us, you never know what treasures you might discover!
