Our first "in person" AGM since the pandemic will take place on Thursday 15th June 2023, at the Watercress Beds Centre in Ewelme.
We're really excited about it this time around because we're really keen to engage with the local community and especially to meet some of the new faces in the village who may not be familiar with how the shop runs and who works behind the scenes.
So what's the plan?
There will be some formalities to go through (we keep those as brief as possible), but the main part of the meeting will be a chance to meet the current committee, elect a new committee, hear from our Chair about what's been going on at the shop and our accountant will present the headline financials (we'll keep that part brief too! 😉) .
Most importantly, we'll be open to questions about the shop and what the future holds and would love to hear any suggestions you might have.
So who's coming?
The AGM is open to anyone who has a share in the shop. You might have bought one way back in 2008/9 when we first started this whole project, or in the following years.
Or are you someone who's moved into the village in recent years and didn't realise that you COULD buy a share in the shop?
If that's you, it couldn't be easier. There's a share application form attached to this post.
Just download the form, fill it out and then either email it to the address on the form, or drop it into the shop.
Shares are £10 each, and you can pay online or in the shop.
It's one share per person, and you can buy on behalf of children (under 18), so the whole family can get involved.
Full details are on the form.
We haven't issued a share since 2020 so we KNOW there are new residents in the village who haven't got shares - is that you?
It's a great way to support the shop and get involved!
We can't wait to see lots of faces (familiar and new) on the 15th June!